Blogger Focus- Suzy Que @suzyq1810

Welcome to the third Blogger Focus session at B-A-R, everyone!

Today, I am very pleased to host Suzy Que at the B-A-R. The first set of questions are from me, the B-A-R tender and the ones following those are from the fellow B-A-R members.  Thank you for doing this, dear Suzy.

B-A-R Tender Asks:

Q: Your Name/ Name of your Blog/s:

Suzy Que  

My blogsSomeday Somewhere   Photos are Fun   Reflections of my Soul (my poems)

QWhat do you blog about? 

At Someday Somewhere I share my thoughts, really anything I want to write about. At Photos are Fun, I share my photos and at Reflections of my Soul, I share my poems.

QWhy did you start blogging?

In 2010 a workmate asked me to join a 30 days blogging meme and I enjoyed it so much I just kept going. So I guess I just kind of dropped into blogging.

Q:  How often do you blog? Do you set aside time for blogging regularly?

I try to blog at least once a week on each of my blogs. But I don’t have a set pattern or time. I usually blog in the evenings once I’ve finished all the chores for the day.

QList one/more blogs that you enjoy reading: 

Beloo’s blog

Sumana Roy’s Vision

Stardreaming with Sherry Blue Sky


Destiny’s Child

 Q: List one/more bloggers who inspire you:


Meditations of my heart

 Q: Is there a blogger whom you admire?  If so, for what feature? Share a link to a post by her/him. 

Sherry Blue Sky who features poets at Poets United. I love that generosity of spirit in showcasing other bloggers for I believe that one gets so much more when one gives. Sherry personalises each interview based on the poetry blogs and that makes each interview unique, personal and interesting. I will of course post my interview with Sherry 

Sherry’s blog Stardreaming is one of my favourites. Here’s a post of hers I absolutely love  Sherry is so in tune with nature and her poems truly resonate with my soul.

Q: Advice for new and upcoming bloggers:  

  • Write from your heart for there are no rules to writing.
  • Join some blogging groups that won’t cramp your style
  • Participate in writing prompts
  • Read, read, read (other blogs) – reading helps with writing
  • Keep your posts short

Q: Who do you count as your biggest supporters offline, who help you make blogging a pleasurable activity?

A handful of friends and family.

Q: Do you think Blogging communities( like B-A-R) have something valuable to offer the Blogging world? How so?

Blogging communities are definitely valuable.

Helps to get to know other blogs and bloggers

Helps your own blog grow

Fosters some great friendships

Provides lots of support and motivation for blogging and for life in general.

B-A-R Members ask:

 Q: Suzy, how do you get inspired with your poems? That is, how do they come to you?

Most of my poems just come to me. It’s like a download into my head. I write a lot of my poems on the bus on the way to work.

Q: Have you always written in the inspiring mode? Or have you ever written from a dark, sad place?

I usually like to write inspirational and spiritual poems. I’ve written a few poems with a sad flavour but no dark ones. Dark is not my thing. 🙂

Q: I had loved your Ramayan A to Z series. How did you get the idea? What research did you do?

Thanks Lata. Glad you enjoyed my series. The Ramayana series came to me in one of my meditations. It is one of my favourite epics and I did know the story but I did no research because the poems and prose were given to me. In my meditation I was asked to write this from the perspective of Divine Love, from Lord Vishnu and Godess Lakshmi’s perspective – I would not find that anywhere. So I guess this was truly given to me from the other side.

Q: What motivates you Suzy Que?

I find my motivation in nature, songs, daily living, reading, my family and friends. I think when I’m doing something I love and am passionate about, the motivation to keep going just comes.

Q: Suzy, given the kind of writing you do and the way you pursue your writing would you be willing to share some advice with those who are interested in doing writing as a contemplative practice? I look forward to your advice/suggestions/tips on how one might use writing as a way to go inward, to become more quiet and content. 

Hi Beloo trying to answer your question – how one might use writing as a way to go inward, to become more quiet and content.

I’ve always found posts that are about real life experiences to be more appealing. So my suggestion would be to at least once a week write something about your life, something that happened – happy or sad, something that’s troubling you or something you are proud about, your beliefs, your frustrations etc.

The positive aspects of your writing will uplift not only yourself but others and when you uplift others, the happiness you feel is amplified. Letting out your frustrations or things that are troubling you is very therapeutic. Once you’ve put it down on paper, it is easier to let go.

The way to peace and contentment is to appreciate the good things in your life – big and small, to accept life as it is, to let go of that which no longer serves you and to live in a state of forgiveness. When you write about your life, you start to embrace all of these.

Q: Suzy, I am in awe of your creativity. Do you write as soon as a thought comes to you no matter how vague or incomplete to you or do you let it simmer till it’s clearer? Are your thoughts always in poetry ?

I usually write as soon as a thought comes into my head. If however I’m at work and unable to pen down immediately, I will jot down some quick points on my iPad. If I let a thought simmer it simply won’t take form. With my poetry, I just know as soon as I pen the first line if this poem is going to fly or not. Anything that doesn’t feel right, I simply abandon. I love poetry and a lot of my thoughts are poetic but my thoughts come with prose too. Poetry is my favourite writing medium. Hope that answered your question.

Q: Suzy, how do you know so much about Indian mythology, and why are you inclined towards writing about it? I’ve read some really interesting pieces on the subject on your blog.

I grew up with Indian mythology, Ever since I could comprehend language, my Dadima ( grandmother) would tell me stories of Lord Rama and Lord Krishna among others. The Ramayana was my favourite. Why am I inclined towards writing about it – because as I grow older and learn more about Spirit and life, I find that these historical epics have so much to teach us. I explore my thoughts, ideas and beliefs about spirituality through them.

Q: How do you find the time and energy to write such thought provoking posts and lovely poetry while working, Suzy Que? I remember when I worked full time that at the end of the day I was drained and not feeling creative at all. I did read that you think up ideas on the bus. Writing is good how we can develop ideas in our head while doing mundane stuff like riding a bus, isn’t it?

There are days though when I am tired and have a complete brain fade and those days I don’t even try to write. Yes, the bus ride to work seems to be where I’ve written some of my best poetry!

Q: . I used to do journal writing earlier, including a prayer journal, but not anymore. Maybe I need to re-start that, but in a somewhat different format, so that parts of which could be periodically shared on my blog too. Do you do that too?


I also tried journaling, gratitude posts etc but in the end all of that somehow didn’t feel authentic for me. Don’t get me wrong, I am very grateful for all things in my life and always give thanks to God but I felt I didn’t need to state it to the world. On the other hand, sharing specific life experiences I felt may help someone. Just felt more authentic for me.



Thank you note

All of us at B-A-R as well  are truly grateful to Suzy for answering our questions with such patience and warmth. Thank you so much, Suzy. It has been a wonderful session and we are so glad to have hosted you on B-A-R for this Blogger Focus Session!

Dear readers, you are welcome to ask any other questions

 in the comments below 🙂

16 thoughts on “Blogger Focus- Suzy Que @suzyq1810

  1. So good to see you featured here, Suzy and wonderful to read your responses and perspective. You’ve answered some of the questions I had, so thanks for that.

    The only question I had but didn’t get around to sending you – What’s the story behind your pen name? How did you become Suzy from Ila? 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

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