Blogging Tip from the BAR: WordPress or Blogger?

2016 is here! That means we have a whole year when we can make blogging goals, more connections, strengthen the ones we have and keep fine tuning our blogging. Am I right? But first. . .


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Blogger or WordPress

This week’s Tip:

This one’s more of a question, really, since many bloggers I know keep asking this question and it’s a loaded one, too!

Which is better? Blogger or WordPress?

Now, whether you have a blog on WordPress or Blogger or are self-hosted, it’s important to ask yourself another question: What is the purpose behind writing your blog?

I have three blogs: I run this one together with a few friends on I have my parenting blog on blogger and I have my writer blog which I recently moved to its own self-hosted domain.

To put it very simply here’s the deal:

  1. Opt for blogger and (and its variants) if your aim is to blog mainly as a journal, write as a hobby or to write and showcase your talents in your niche.
  2. Go for a custom domain and masking if you want to add a professional touch to the website. Be advised that you don’t get any add-ons as such.
  3. Opt for if you want some variety in terms of themes, templates, widgets and layouts.  This is free much like
  4. Opt for self-hosted if you want to monetise your blog, get a fully professional looking website and build a unique brand image.

*Note: There are obviously many blogs/platforms out there who successfully defy everything listed above and do wonderfully, but these 4 points are largely true in the blogging space 🙂

For a very detailed and beautifully written post on the same topic , read this one by ShoutMeLoud: WordPress or Blogspot: Which is better?

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Happy Blogging!

3 thoughts on “Blogging Tip from the BAR: WordPress or Blogger?

  1. This helps – thank you. As much as I would like to switch to WordPress I have trouble figuring it out and not the time to devote to doing it. Also, I see so many people on WordPress with security issues, it scares me.


  2. I started on WordPress but it seems too complicated to me. I keep it opened but not updated. Blogger is a lot simpler and meet my needs. I have contemplated many tamest change to self host but I can’t financially.


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