Got Snail Mail? #Linkup today!

Snail Mail, Blogarhythm

Blog-A- Rhythm has been waiting for a long time to say this and I am thrilled to say that it’s finally here!


Approximately two months ago, we decided in our Blog-a-rhythm group that it was high time we started cementing the online connections- in the offline world. What better way to do that than through the magic of snail mail?

I mean, who doesn’t like to walk down the path to that coloured box at the end of the driveway and open it to feel that heady rush of receiving a handwritten letter?

Snail mail_2, Blogarhythm

*{Pictures credit: Pixabay under CC/No Attribution license}

So, we did that! Yep.

We wrote snail mails to each other. No instant gratification. No ‘ping’ on your smartphone to say you’ve got a new message. We had about 26 interested members who threw their names into the proverbial hat. A random name generator picked and paired names. We then wrote snail mails- letters or postcards- to that person. And then we waited, with nail-biting anticipation for that letter to reach us!

Why we did it? Well, apart from being incredibly fun, I think this teaches us some valuable lessons.

  • Everything that’s good in Life is worth the wait.
  • Patience is really a virtue and we can use some of it in this world where we speak first and think later.
  • Writing by hand is so incredibly therapeutic. Try it. Today.
  • The personal touch you get from a handwritten note just cannot be replicated in the world of e-mail and smart messaging.

I know what you’re thinking. But, I didn’t write/get a snail mail. How is this fun for me? So what do you have to do?

Well, we have a Linky. YES!

If you’ve received a snail mail from anyone, either in the recent past or the long forgotten aeons of the distant decade, feel free to write about it.

Here’s what you do:

  1. Write a blog post about a snail mail that you received.
  2. Add pictures of the letter (optional)
  3. Link it up to the Linky below.
  4. Visit others on the linky and see the magic that snail mail has done for them.
  5. If the Linky closes, leave a link to your post in the comments here.

WAIT- It’s not over. You can still write a snail mail. YES! Today!

The Linky stays open for a whole month. So reach out to a blogger you like. Ask them for their postal address and dash off a letter in the mail today. With a month on your hands, you just know you have the time to do this.

Oh and please do share about this in your Blogging networks. That would be so cool!


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13 thoughts on “Got Snail Mail? #Linkup today!

  1. This was such an awesome idea and personally for me it clicked.
    You know Shailaja what I doing to take this forward? I am planning to send hand written letters for Rakhi this time 🙂 I am sure my cousins would be happy to receive letters from me after decades. Loved this concept! Thank you!

    Liked by 2 people

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