#AtoZChallenge Benefits of Blogging by @SanchLivingLife

I have been blogging for almost 8 years now. Yet, I feel like I am learning something new every day. When I started off as a blogger, I was a complete novice. It was meant to be something very personal and not for most people to read. I started anonymously and only ‘came out’ with my photo a couple of years ago and part of my name in the last year. I have learnt the good, the bad and the downright ugly of blogging. Okay, so maybe I’m exaggerating a bit — it’s been mostly good with a few downs every now and then. Today though, I want to share the benefits of blogging for anyone who is contemplating starting a blog.


Picture courtesy: Pixabay

  1.  Blogging provides an outlet: Blogging is a great outlet for creativity, to share your opinions or even just to vent your frustrations. That’s how it started for me — I had a lot of opinions but being new to a country, I didn’t know many people and well, I started to write down my thoughts online. And the rest as they say, is history.
  2. Blogging is about community: This is probably one of the biggest and best benefits of blogging. I have made some wonderful friends — even if I haven’t met them in person — through blogging. There are several blogging communities on Facebook thanks to bloggers reading other blogs and connecting through comments. Your blogging community is there to provide constructive feedback on your creative works, celebrate with you when you share your triumphs and weep with you when you have setbacks. They are the ones unlike your family or friends who don’t blog, who understand what it is like to try and juggle blogging and a life. They know what it means to have to take food photos. Or why it is important to make a note of something that has happened in a social situation. Without the blogging community, blogging would be so much harder!
  3. Blogging can be a launch pad: Blogging for some people can be that platform through which they move on to bigger and better things. Like publishing a book for instance. It is through blogging you become a better writer, get better feedback and sometimes make connections that can take you places. I wish I could say this has been one of the benefits I’ve seen, but it hasn’t. Yet, I haven’t given up hope.

So there you have it. I know there are more than just 3 benefits of blogging but I figured I’d let you share that in the comments section with me. After all, I don’t want to seem like a know-it-all!

Until next time,


Blogger Bio: Sanch Living Life

Sanch Living Life

Sanch Living Life

Sanch @ Living my Imperfect Life http://www.livingmyimperfectlife.com/ | 31 | Psychologist | Writer | Blogger | Sydneysider | Feminist | Imperfect | Bibliophile | Beach-lover | Outdoorsy | Coffee snob | Wine drinker | Fitness Fanatic | Foodie | Mum to two cats: Pebbles & Buttons

62 thoughts on “#AtoZChallenge Benefits of Blogging by @SanchLivingLife

  1. Like you, I only recently ‘came out’ as a blogger when people from work found my blog. I felt kind of embarrassed at first but now I’m proud of maintaining a blog the way I do.

    I think people who don’t blog don’t realise how much work goes into the networking side of blogging (to get readers and commenters) as well as the time taken to write and polish a post so that it’s something you’re proud of. Bloggers set deadlines for themselves, write and edit, maintain links with fellow bloggers. It’s hard work and I think it should be something we can advertise on CVs and things. 🙂

    Cait @ Click’s Clan


  2. You’ve touched upon some of the benefits of blogging that I’ve experienced as well. Like you I started blogging without a clue and have been on a learning journey ever since. It’s an activity that I would highly recommend to anyone.

    Arlee Bird
    A to Z Challenge Co-host
    Tossing It Out


  3. Wow!! * years Sanch!! Hats off to you. Your posts are so fresh and fun to read. I hope I can keep blogging for ever. Loved the three benefits.
    And your picture is so cute 🙂


  4. I’ve been blogging only for a year, but I’m enjoying so much. I really didnt’ expect it I would enjoy it this much. Really.
    What I like the best is connecting with people with my same interests… and also doing crazy things like this challenge 😉

    Thanks so much for sharing.


  5. Yes, blogging has immense benefits. The biggest one for me is the community and friends that I have found. You can also get launched into content writing with blogging. It is a great way to promote causes and spread awareness. Nice post, Sanch.


  6. These benefits hold true for most of us bloggers. Besides this, I’d like to add that blogging is quite therapeutic in its own way. Glad that you could come out and share your picture and a little bit about yourself openly.


  7. I have been blogging for years, but it’s been a lonely business. It’s hard to stay motivated during the time your blog is building an audience and the comments don’t come in. It’s very tempting to spend time one might be blogging on a writing site like Persona Paper or a social networking site where one has company and feedback almost immediately on one’s work. For the first time in my life I am making a committed effort to at least one blog post a day on a single blog. This is day 61 and there are so many times I’m tempted to skip it and just go to bed, but on this blog there is accountability to a network and that motivates me to push myself.


    • Oh Barbara, it can be hard when the comments don’t come in. After all, we are looking for that engagement. I think sometimes, communities through facebook or twitter help to add to that engagement. The other thing I found helpful was joining on weekly link-ups where you end up finding bloggers with similar ideas you click with. Or else, there’s always challenges like this as well.

      Hang in there! It will get better.


  8. Well said, Sanch. I started blogging as a creative outlet and to document my reading life. In a relatively small period of time, I have discovered the wonderful community of fellow bloggers who make this so much more fun.
    *Shantala @ ShanayaTales*


  9. Agree with you, Sanch! Esp about the blogging community and meeting many wonderful bloggers- both novice and well-established! Great post and yes, cute pic of yours as well 🙂


  10. It’s been just one year for me but still in this short span of time, I have found some wonderful friends, who understand me more than the people around me 🙂 Lovely post Sanch ❤



  11. Wonderful post Sanch ! You were one of the initial bloggers I staunchly followed / and still do ever since I set foot in the world of blogging. Everything you said perfectly fits the bill of why I started to blog myself. A couple of more advantages are – 1) Lets you shed your inhibitions and just write. There ‘s no pressure of being judged. 2) Blogging makes me feel connected with people who share the same experiences of life as me. It’s a positive mechanism of telling that you are not alone.


  12. Agree with you, Sanch, on the benefits of blogging. My blog is my space to share my thoughts, a venting ground of sorts, you can say. Also, I really cherish the ties of friendship I could form due to blogging. And, yes, for me my blog was a launching pad to make a foray into content writing. So, really grateful to have discovered this medium of expression. Great post, Sanch!


  13. Totally agree with you! While this is my 2 nd year of blogging, I started to express things and today I feel it has become to critical to my existence. I can’t stop thinking about what to write 🙂 Of course the friends I made and I am continuing to make, the help and support and so much more! Great one S!


  14. I am new to blogging, but I can say its a great learning experience. It has given me the confidence. I feel more relaxed and comfortable with what I am and what I have.
    Its enriching for me.


  15. I loved what you said about community and their role in blogging. Without feedback we would be floundering in the sea of words, life as a writer would be hard. As to blogging being a launch pad for some, it does bring people out in front of the world but in the end what you do with the recognition is important. Great post, best of luck for your book publication. Let me know if I can help in any way, take care.


  16. Love the pic, Sanch. 🙂
    And of course, love the post too. Totally with you on the blog providing an outlet for expression, for creativity and then through the A-Z last year, I discovered a whole community of like minded individuals. It had me completely hooked. 🙂


  17. I so love the community aspect of blogging! And that there are such diverse thoughts, experiences, ideas to soak in is another aspect of blogging that I love!


  18. Fully agree with you, Sanch. Since starting my blog, I, too, have learnt a lot, and keep learning on a daily basis, from bloggers who are now wonderful friends, guiding and encouraging me to keep moving further.


  19. Great post about blogging. I’ve lost count how many years I’ve been blogging, it might be about the same. It sure changes once you get your own website too.


  20. I’ve definitely made some great friends via blogging, and sometimes it’s my way of keeping in touch with people I’d otherwise have lost contact with. Let’s see, think it’s been 12 years blogging…


  21. So true, Sanch. All so very valid reasons to blog. Though, the third one has not yet happened to me either. But as long as there is life, there is hope, right? 😉

    I think that it is only because of blogging that I’m still sane. It has given me a medium to sort through my thought and feelings. Plus, the community is just awesome.


  22. I agree completely with all of it. The worldwide community aspect of blogging is so special and amazing! Still working on getting that book published, though.:P


  23. Oh yes.. blogging has been a great experience for me. It has got me some wonderful friends and also has helped me enlarge my writing repertoire.


  24. Great post, Sanch. I totally agree about the benefits of blogging that you mentioned. I feel that blogging has helped me grow as a writer and I’m more confident, too. And as you said, the sense of community is the best part as you get so much support and friendship from other bloggers who understand the struggles of getting those posts out.


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